I was born in a small village overlooking the river Nile, and located 35 miles away from Cairo, the Capital of Egypt.
At age 5, I was sent, as is the custom in most Egyptian villages, to "Al-Kuttab"; a kindergarten-like school to learn how to read and write. The Holy Qur'an was the text book from which verses were quoted for reading and writing. "Sayyidna"; literally meaning "our master" was the teacher, and he was not necessarily well-versed in the interpretation of the Qur'an, but in teaching how to read and write it. In a few years I was able to memorize the whole Qur'an by heart, read and write it perfectly.
Egyptian Depiction of submarines, airplanes and a chopper
misinterpreted as unknown Egytian hieroglyph or a sub-hieroglyphic
My father had a copy of the Christian Bible that had very beautiful pictures related to stories mentioned therein, like the stories of the flood, the Israelites exodus from Egypt and Moses' parting of the sea. At my young age, I was fascinated by these stories, and by the basic similarity between them and the same stories mentioned in the Qur'an, although the Qur'an narration varied a bit from that of the Bible. I began to notice a few things. At the same time, I was also fascinated by mythological stories from the East and the West; Ancient Egyptians, Sumerians, Babylonians, Indians, Chinese, native Americans, Greek and Roman.
Could they be?
My journey at a young age stared based on linguistics queries; certain words, their meaning, etymology and philology, a few mystic meanings. Hence, in pursuant of my goals, after I matriculated from high school, I joined the university and majored in comparative linguistics and comparative religions. At the university, beside my main curriculum, I was attracted to reading anthropology, ancient philosophy, ancient history, secret societies: the Frreemasons, and the Brethren of Purity, which led me to more reading about, the Illuminati, the Shriners, the Carbonaris, and the Skull and Bones as well as certain books like the Zohar and the Kabbalah.I have read about all that because I felt that they were all related to each other in a way or another, and intertwined in a fascinating and peculiar way.
So I started my inquiry by quoting certain words from the Qur’an: Adam, Adn (Aden), Ameen (Amen), Utoon, Maseeh (Messiah), Eesa (Jesus), Surah (verse), Salah (prayer), names of the months in the Coptic calendar (Christian Egyptian calendar), names of the months in the Lebanese and Syrian Calendar, ancient Egyptian. Words that survived in the ancient Coptic language and still being used today in the Egyptian Arabic slang, etc.
I’ll demonstrate by talking about a few words: 1) the word “Adam” is mentioned in the Jewish Bible, the Christian Bible, the Qur'an and surprisingly in the Sumerian mythology that existed thousands of years before the three religions were born, 2) the word “Amen” is used after prayers by followers of the three religions, though there is a very strong possibility that it was derived from the name of the ancient Egyptian God “Amon”, or “Amen”, 3) the Arabic word “Utoon” which means “fire/oven/inferno” must have been derived from the name of the ancient Egyptian God “Aton” who is represented by the sun (which in itself is an inferno).
Some of the Eyptian Gods
left to right: Amon-Ra (amen-Ra), Aton, Osiris
Well, it is believed among all Muslims that the Qur’an was revealed in Arabic (no foreign word included), and it is stated so in the Qur’an itself. How to solve this contradiction then?
Well, those non-Arabic words were arab-nized long before Islam, and have been used by the Arabs after submitting the words to the Arabic language rules. For example the word “Amen/Ameen” conformed to the Arabic three-letter verb rule, and from which the Arabs derived verbs. Hence, the word has become totally an Arabic word. This is a linguistic phenomenon exists in many languages, including English. Remnants of a mother language sometimes lingers compared to her daughter languages that branched out from the main tree-trunk. Hence, there is no contradiction that the Qur’an is totally revealed in Arabic.
The point is why those words are still alive?
The point is why those words are still alive?
There are other things that made me wonder. When I was young, I knew what was meant by saying that God is omnipresent and omnipotent. But when I have read in the Qur’an that when God decided to create Man, He informed the angles of his decision. But the angles interjected: AL-BAQARAH 2:30 "And [mention, O Muhammad], when
your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a
successive authority." They said, "Will You place upon it one who causes
corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and
sanctify You?" Allah said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know."
I’ve read three interpretations in regards of the above: 1) the angles must have peeked in “Al-Lawh Al-Mahfooz”, which means “the preserved tablets”, where everything in the past, the present and the future is recorded, and knew that Adam and his descendants will sin, 2) the earth was inhabited before by the “Jinn”; a race who inhabited the earth before man, and committed atrocities. Hence, by analogy, the angles thought that Adam was not going to be any different, 3) Earth must have been inhabited by different Adam(s) who shed blood and spread corruption. Therefore, by analogy, this Adam is going to be the same.
The amazing thing about the above interpretation by Muslim scholars is the possibility that a pre-Adam's life existed on earth.
Mesopotamian Gods
On top of the above, I always wondered, why would God, the Omnipresent and Omnipotent, need to keep things written on a tablet. As narrated in the Bible, why would God, walk in the garden, and when Adam heard his footsteps, he hid himself in the bush. Is God corporeal, and if he is, wouldn't this limit him?
Another thing I wondered about when I was about 9 years old. I asked my father why was it mentioned in the Qur'an that God wouldn't change people, their frame of mind, attitude, way of thinking, unless they change their selves first. He said that people's change has to come from within not without. I asked him why would God change them then after they have changed their selves...wouldn't that be redundant? He then explained to me the meaning of a word included in the verse which can be interpreted in different ways. The word is "hatta", a very peculiar word in the Arabic language, which means "unless, untill...", which could also means that God , though being able to change people, He wouldn't, and people have to change their selves first.
When I grew up and got more involved in studying all what I mentioned above; enigmatic things in the Qur'an became clear to me. And then I started reading the Hindu scriptures; the Vedas, where I found many stories of many Gods, their flying machines and fights with each other. I then started connecting the dots between these stories and similar stories in the Bible (Ezekiel's chariot of the God, Jacob's ladder), as well as what is mentioned in mythology worldwide, especially the Sumerian's and the Babylonian's.
Many questions, I asked myself while embarking on a very long journey that took me 35 years or so to finally see things starting to fall into the proper slots, including parts of the Darwinian theory of evolution.
Thank you for reading this introductory article, and welcome to sharing my own personal journey of searching for the truth, and please don't hesitate to comment, post your own comment whether you're a skeptical or a believers.
Why is the great pyramid in Giza void of any writings and paintings unlike any other tomb or temple in Egypt?
Is he a God and astronaut of ancient times?
Have we been visited by aliens long time ago?
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